
Pratical Information > Venue

The meeting of the GDR will be hosted in the campus of the Université Grenoble-Alpes, in the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme

How to get there:

Domaine universitaire
1221 avenue Centrale
Tél. : 04 76 51 46 00. Fax : 04 76 51 48 48

Campus map: https://theomodive2016.sciencesconf.org/conference/theomodive2016/CampusMap.pdf

Arriving by plane:
Aéroport de Grenoble-Isère, teleph. +33 (0)4 76 65 48 48 (40min from Grenoble).
Aéroport de Lyon Saint-Exupèry, teleph. 0 826 800 826 (1h from Grenoble).

Arriving by train:
SNCF: Grenoble station or Grenoble Universités - Gières station

Arriving by car:
A 41 - Chambéry (57 km), Annecy (106 km), Geneva (141 km)
A 48 - Lyon (116 km), Paris (576 km)
A 49 - Valence (96 km)

To access the campus:
from Grenoble: entrance 1 via avenue Gabriel Péri.
from Saint-Martin-d'Hères : entrance 2 via l'avenue Gabriel Péri et Champ Roman.
from la Rocade Sud : entrance 3 take the exit "Domaine universitaire".

Grenoble by tram:
Tram B - Grenoble Cité internationale - Gières Plaine des sports
(line B connects the campus to Grenoble train station in 25 min. and to Grenoble Universités - Gières train station in 5 min.)
Tram C - Seyssins Le Prisme - Saint-Martin-d'Hères Condillac Universités
Tram D - Saint-Martin-d'Hères Les Taillées Universités


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